ANSI X12 837P - 4010 2310E NM1 - Supervising Provider Name
November 22, 2020The purpose of the 2310E NM1 Supervising Provider Name Loop is to supply the name and id of the supervising provider. The 4010 specifications for the NM1 segment can be found below as it pertains to the 2310E loop.
ANSI X12 837P - 4010 2310E N2 - Additional Supervising Provider Name Information
November 22, 2020The purpose of the 2010BA N2 Additional Subscriber Name Information Segment is to provide additional space when names in the NM103 exceed 35 characters. The 4010 specifications for the N2 segment can be found below as it pertains to the 2010BA loop.
ANSI X12 837P - 1000B - Receiver Name Loop
November 21, 2020The 837 Health Care transaction for professional claims is comprised of loops, segments and data elements. The 1000B loop is referred to as the Receiver Name Loop. The Receiver Name loop contains the information on the entity who is receiving the file. The receiver could be a Clearinghouse or the actual payer if the claims are being sent direct.
ANSI X12 837P - 5010 1000B NM1 - Receiver Name
November 21, 2020The purpose of the 1000B NM1 Receiver Name Loop is to supply the name and id of the receiver. The receiver is the entity who is receiving the file. The 5010 specifications for the NM1 segment can be found below as it pertains to the 1000B loop.
ANSI X12 837P - 4010 1000B NM1 - Receiver Name
November 21, 2020The purpose of the 1000B NM1 Receiver Name Loop is to supply the name and id of the receiver. The receiver is the entity who is receiving the file. The 4010 specifications for the NM1 segment can be found below as it pertains to the 1000B loop.