- M89 - Other disorders of bone
- M89.0 - Algoneurodystrophy
- M89.00 - Algoneurodystrophy, unspecified site
- M89.01 - Algoneurodystrophy, shoulder
- M89.011 - Algoneurodystrophy, right shoulder
- M89.012 - Algoneurodystrophy, left shoulder
- M89.019 - Algoneurodystrophy, unspecified shoulder
- M89.02 - Algoneurodystrophy, upper arm
- M89.021 - Algoneurodystrophy, right upper arm
- M89.022 - Algoneurodystrophy, left upper arm
- M89.029 - Algoneurodystrophy, unspecified upper arm
- M89.03 - Algoneurodystrophy, forearm
- M89.031 - Algoneurodystrophy, right forearm
- M89.032 - Algoneurodystrophy, left forearm
- M89.039 - Algoneurodystrophy, unspecified forearm
- M89.04 - Algoneurodystrophy, hand
- M89.041 - Algoneurodystrophy, right hand
- M89.042 - Algoneurodystrophy, left hand
- M89.049 - Algoneurodystrophy, unspecified hand
- M89.05 - Algoneurodystrophy, thigh
- M89.051 - Algoneurodystrophy, right thigh
- M89.052 - Algoneurodystrophy, left thigh
- M89.059 - Algoneurodystrophy, unspecified thigh
- M89.06 - Algoneurodystrophy, lower leg
- M89.061 - Algoneurodystrophy, right lower leg
- M89.062 - Algoneurodystrophy, left lower leg
- M89.069 - Algoneurodystrophy, unspecified lower leg
- M89.07 - Algoneurodystrophy, ankle and foot
- M89.071 - Algoneurodystrophy, right ankle and foot
- M89.072 - Algoneurodystrophy, left ankle and foot
- M89.079 - Algoneurodystrophy, unspecified ankle and foot
- M89.08 - Algoneurodystrophy, other site
- M89.09 - Algoneurodystrophy, multiple sites
- M89.1 - Physeal arrest
- M89.12 - Physeal arrest, humerus
- M89.121 - Complete physeal arrest, right proximal humerus
- M89.122 - Complete physeal arrest, left proximal humerus
- M89.123 - Partial physeal arrest, right proximal humerus
- M89.124 - Partial physeal arrest, left proximal humerus
- M89.125 - Complete physeal arrest, right distal humerus
- M89.126 - Complete physeal arrest, left distal humerus
- M89.127 - Partial physeal arrest, right distal humerus
- M89.128 - Partial physeal arrest, left distal humerus
- M89.129 - Physeal arrest, humerus, unspecified
- M89.13 - Physeal arrest, forearm
- M89.131 - Complete physeal arrest, right distal radius
- M89.132 - Complete physeal arrest, left distal radius
- M89.133 - Partial physeal arrest, right distal radius
- M89.134 - Partial physeal arrest, left distal radius
- M89.138 - Other physeal arrest of forearm
- M89.139 - Physeal arrest, forearm, unspecified
- M89.15 - Physeal arrest, femur
- M89.151 - Complete physeal arrest, right proximal femur
- M89.152 - Complete physeal arrest, left proximal femur
- M89.153 - Partial physeal arrest, right proximal femur
- M89.154 - Partial physeal arrest, left proximal femur
- M89.155 - Complete physeal arrest, right distal femur
- M89.156 - Complete physeal arrest, left distal femur
- M89.157 - Partial physeal arrest, right distal femur
- M89.158 - Partial physeal arrest, left distal femur
- M89.159 - Physeal arrest, femur, unspecified
- M89.16 - Physeal arrest, lower leg
- M89.160 - Complete physeal arrest, right proximal tibia
- M89.161 - Complete physeal arrest, left proximal tibia
- M89.162 - Partial physeal arrest, right proximal tibia
- M89.163 - Partial physeal arrest, left proximal tibia
- M89.164 - Complete physeal arrest, right distal tibia
- M89.165 - Complete physeal arrest, left distal tibia
- M89.166 - Partial physeal arrest, right distal tibia
- M89.167 - Partial physeal arrest, left distal tibia
- M89.168 - Other physeal arrest of lower leg
- M89.169 - Physeal arrest, lower leg, unspecified
- M89.18 - Physeal arrest, other site
- M89.2 - Other disorders of bone development and growth
- M89.20 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, unspecified site
- M89.21 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, shoulder
- M89.211 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, right shoulder
- M89.212 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, left shoulder
- M89.219 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, unspecified shoulder
- M89.22 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, humerus
- M89.221 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, right humerus
- M89.222 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, left humerus
- M89.229 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, unspecified humerus
- M89.23 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, ulna and radius
- M89.231 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, right ulna
- M89.232 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, left ulna
- M89.233 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, right radius
- M89.234 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, left radius
- M89.239 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, unspecified ulna and radius
- M89.24 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, hand
- M89.241 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, right hand
- M89.242 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, left hand
- M89.249 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, unspecified hand
- M89.25 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, femur
- M89.251 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, right femur
- M89.252 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, left femur
- M89.259 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, unspecified femur
- M89.26 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, tibia and fibula
- M89.261 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, right tibia
- M89.262 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, left tibia
- M89.263 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, right fibula
- M89.264 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, left fibula
- M89.269 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, unspecified lower leg
- M89.27 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, ankle and foot
- M89.271 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, right ankle and foot
- M89.272 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, left ankle and foot
- M89.279 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, unspecified ankle and foot
- M89.28 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, other site
- M89.29 - Other disorders of bone development and growth, multiple sites
- M89.3 - Hypertrophy of bone
- M89.30 - Hypertrophy of bone, unspecified site
- M89.31 - Hypertrophy of bone, shoulder
- M89.311 - Hypertrophy of bone, right shoulder
- M89.312 - Hypertrophy of bone, left shoulder
- M89.319 - Hypertrophy of bone, unspecified shoulder
- M89.32 - Hypertrophy of bone, humerus
- M89.321 - Hypertrophy of bone, right humerus
- M89.322 - Hypertrophy of bone, left humerus
- M89.329 - Hypertrophy of bone, unspecified humerus
- M89.33 - Hypertrophy of bone, ulna and radius
- M89.331 - Hypertrophy of bone, right ulna
- M89.332 - Hypertrophy of bone, left ulna
- M89.333 - Hypertrophy of bone, right radius
- M89.334 - Hypertrophy of bone, left radius
- M89.339 - Hypertrophy of bone, unspecified ulna and radius
- M89.34 - Hypertrophy of bone, hand
- M89.341 - Hypertrophy of bone, right hand
- M89.342 - Hypertrophy of bone, left hand
- M89.349 - Hypertrophy of bone, unspecified hand
- M89.35 - Hypertrophy of bone, femur
- M89.351 - Hypertrophy of bone, right femur
- M89.352 - Hypertrophy of bone, left femur
- M89.359 - Hypertrophy of bone, unspecified femur
- M89.36 - Hypertrophy of bone, tibia and fibula
- M89.361 - Hypertrophy of bone, right tibia
- M89.362 - Hypertrophy of bone, left tibia
- M89.363 - Hypertrophy of bone, right fibula
- M89.364 - Hypertrophy of bone, left fibula
- M89.369 - Hypertrophy of bone, unspecified tibia and fibula
- M89.37 - Hypertrophy of bone, ankle and foot
- M89.371 - Hypertrophy of bone, right ankle and foot
- M89.372 - Hypertrophy of bone, left ankle and foot
- M89.379 - Hypertrophy of bone, unspecified ankle and foot
- M89.38 - Hypertrophy of bone, other site
- M89.39 - Hypertrophy of bone, multiple sites
- M89.4 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
- M89.40 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, unspecified site
- M89.41 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, shoulder
- M89.411 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, right shoulder
- M89.412 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, left shoulder
- M89.419 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, unspecified shoulder
- M89.42 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, upper arm
- M89.421 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, right upper arm
- M89.422 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, left upper arm
- M89.429 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, unspecified upper arm
- M89.43 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, forearm
- M89.431 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, right forearm
- M89.432 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, left forearm
- M89.439 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, unspecified forearm
- M89.44 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, hand
- M89.441 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, right hand
- M89.442 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, left hand
- M89.449 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, unspecified hand
- M89.45 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, thigh
- M89.451 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, right thigh
- M89.452 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, left thigh
- M89.459 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, unspecified thigh
- M89.46 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, lower leg
- M89.461 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, right lower leg
- M89.462 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, left lower leg
- M89.469 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, unspecified lower leg
- M89.47 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, ankle and foot
- M89.471 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, right ankle and foot
- M89.472 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, left ankle and foot
- M89.479 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, unspecified ankle and foot
- M89.48 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, other site
- M89.49 - Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, multiple sites
- M89.5 - Osteolysis
- M89.50 - Osteolysis, unspecified site
- M89.51 - Osteolysis, shoulder
- M89.511 - Osteolysis, right shoulder
- M89.512 - Osteolysis, left shoulder
- M89.519 - Osteolysis, unspecified shoulder
- M89.52 - Osteolysis, upper arm
- M89.521 - Osteolysis, right upper arm
- M89.522 - Osteolysis, left upper arm
- M89.529 - Osteolysis, unspecified upper arm
- M89.53 - Osteolysis, forearm
- M89.531 - Osteolysis, right forearm
- M89.532 - Osteolysis, left forearm
- M89.539 - Osteolysis, unspecified forearm
- M89.54 - Osteolysis, hand
- M89.541 - Osteolysis, right hand
- M89.542 - Osteolysis, left hand
- M89.549 - Osteolysis, unspecified hand
- M89.55 - Osteolysis, thigh
- M89.551 - Osteolysis, right thigh
- M89.552 - Osteolysis, left thigh
- M89.559 - Osteolysis, unspecified thigh
- M89.56 - Osteolysis, lower leg
- M89.561 - Osteolysis, right lower leg
- M89.562 - Osteolysis, left lower leg
- M89.569 - Osteolysis, unspecified lower leg
- M89.57 - Osteolysis, ankle and foot
- M89.571 - Osteolysis, right ankle and foot
- M89.572 - Osteolysis, left ankle and foot
- M89.579 - Osteolysis, unspecified ankle and foot
- M89.58 - Osteolysis, other site
- M89.59 - Osteolysis, multiple sites
- M89.6 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis
- M89.60 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, unspecified site
- M89.61 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, shoulder
- M89.611 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, right shoulder
- M89.612 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, left shoulder
- M89.619 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, unspecified shoulder
- M89.62 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, upper arm
- M89.621 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, right upper arm
- M89.622 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, left upper arm
- M89.629 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, unspecified upper arm
- M89.63 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, forearm
- M89.631 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, right forearm
- M89.632 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, left forearm
- M89.639 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, unspecified forearm
- M89.64 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, hand
- M89.641 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, right hand
- M89.642 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, left hand
- M89.649 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, unspecified hand
- M89.65 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, thigh
- M89.651 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, right thigh
- M89.652 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, left thigh
- M89.659 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, unspecified thigh
- M89.66 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, lower leg
- M89.661 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, right lower leg
- M89.662 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, left lower leg
- M89.669 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, unspecified lower leg
- M89.67 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, ankle and foot
- M89.671 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, right ankle and foot
- M89.672 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, left ankle and foot
- M89.679 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, unspecified ankle and foot
- M89.68 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, other site
- M89.69 - Osteopathy after poliomyelitis, multiple sites
- M89.7 - Major osseous defect
- M89.70 - Major osseous defect, unspecified site
- M89.71 - Major osseous defect, shoulder region
- M89.711 - Major osseous defect, right shoulder region
- M89.712 - Major osseous defect, left shoulder region
- M89.719 - Major osseous defect, unspecified shoulder region
- M89.72 - Major osseous defect, humerus
- M89.721 - Major osseous defect, right humerus
- M89.722 - Major osseous defect, left humerus
- M89.729 - Major osseous defect, unspecified humerus
- M89.73 - Major osseous defect, forearm
- M89.731 - Major osseous defect, right forearm
- M89.732 - Major osseous defect, left forearm
- M89.739 - Major osseous defect, unspecified forearm
- M89.74 - Major osseous defect, hand
- M89.741 - Major osseous defect, right hand
- M89.742 - Major osseous defect, left hand
- M89.749 - Major osseous defect, unspecified hand
- M89.75 - Major osseous defect, pelvic region and thigh
- M89.751 - Major osseous defect, right pelvic region and thigh
- M89.752 - Major osseous defect, left pelvic region and thigh
- M89.759 - Major osseous defect, unspecified pelvic region and thigh
- M89.76 - Major osseous defect, lower leg
- M89.761 - Major osseous defect, right lower leg
- M89.762 - Major osseous defect, left lower leg
- M89.769 - Major osseous defect, unspecified lower leg
- M89.77 - Major osseous defect, ankle and foot
- M89.771 - Major osseous defect, right ankle and foot
- M89.772 - Major osseous defect, left ankle and foot
- M89.779 - Major osseous defect, unspecified ankle and foot
- M89.78 - Major osseous defect, other site
- M89.79 - Major osseous defect, multiple sites
- M89.8 - Other specified disorders of bone
- M89.8X - Other specified disorders of bone
- M89.8X0 - Other specified disorders of bone, multiple sites
- M89.8X1 - Other specified disorders of bone, shoulder
- M89.8X2 - Other specified disorders of bone, upper arm
- M89.8X3 - Other specified disorders of bone, forearm
- M89.8X4 - Other specified disorders of bone, hand
- M89.8X5 - Other specified disorders of bone, thigh
- M89.8X6 - Other specified disorders of bone, lower leg
- M89.8X7 - Other specified disorders of bone, ankle and foot
- M89.8X8 - Other specified disorders of bone, other site
- M89.8X9 - Other specified disorders of bone, unspecified site
- M89.9 - Disorder of bone, unspecified