ANSI X12 837P - 4010 2010BA N4 - Subscriber City/State/Zip Code

November 19, 2020
The purpose of the 2010BA N4 Subscriber City/State/Zip Code Segment holds the geographic place of the subscriber/insured.
The 4010 specifications for the N4 segment can be found below as it pertains to the 2010BA loop.
Sample 837P (4010) - 2010BA N4 - Subscriber City/State/Zip Code
> Subscriber City/State/Zip Code (2010BA)
HIPAA Guide - 837P [4010]
Segment | Field | Name | Definition |
N4 | 01 | City Name [Subscriber City Name] | |
N4 | 02 | State or Province Code [Subscriber State Code] | |
N4 | 03 | Postal Code [Subscriber Zip Code] | |
N4 | 04 | Country Code [Subscriber Country Code] | |
N4 | 05 | Location Qualifier | |
N4 | 06 | Location Identifier |
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